"Vocês, porém, são geração eleita, sacerdócio real, nação santa, povo exclusivo de Deus, para anunciar as grandezas daquele que os chamou das trevas para a sua maravilhosa luz." (1 Pd 2:9)

terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2013


In these days, God has spoken much in my heart, it says about our mission.
More before commenting on this subject, I want to draw your attention to some verses in the Bible, so we can reflect, to understand this message.

It reads:
"Hear O Islands you; hear you, distant nations: Before I SUNRISE the Lord called me, from my birth he has made mention of my name." He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid me, he made me a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver. He told me: "You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will show MY SPLENDOR". (Is 49:1-3 / NIV)

Well if we reflect on these three verses we can find the main purpose of God for our creation.
Here we understand that even before we are born, the Lord had already chosen us. He already knew our names, and the most beautiful that we find in this passage is that God's concern for us is to become EXTRAORDINARY. He wants through us, to be shown to the world the splendor of your glory. Hallelujahs.

I am very impacted by these texts reflect and realize the size of God's care for us. Even though we were the fruit of sin, even though we were in the offspring of Adam, here we can confirm that before we were born our FATHER, proposes forgiveness and wants to become "polished arrow," his "Quiver."

What else is then I am amazed to see in our generation, as values ​​have been corrupted, as the truths have been annihilated in our midst. Concepts that were base and structure, are exchanged today, all the time for lies and deceptions that the world preaches.
Worst of all is seeing the "Evangelicals and Christians" being driven by the same wind of doctrine and vain deceit.

We live in a time not unlike Jesus.
Although humans have evolved intellectually, bringing new technologies have existed facilities in all areas of our lives, I repeat that we live in a world very similar to what Jesus lived.

The Religiosity became the empire of this world.
The concern with religion, the laws of each religion, with the schedules of each religion.
Do not focus more on Jesus in his Gospel and in absolute truth for us.

• What difference do we have in the world, when we look at the world?
• Where are the SALT of the earth that are LIGHT and the world?

Returning to Isaiah 49:1-3 we realize that God's purposes for our lives, for our generation is not being realized because the king of this century, not being JESUS.
The king of this century, the king of this world is Satan, and we are not worrying about it.

What most saddens my heart is to realize how far we are walking in God's original purpose for our lives.
We see rising brothers against brothers, religions rising against religions, events vying with events, pastors not concerned with the herd but with the multiplication of the herd.

• As Jesus is seeing all this?
• What is the value of his blood on the Cross and his wounds?

The will is SCREAMING the whole world, to see if one will awakening of those who are asleep.

God wants to use us for his glory, he wants to become extraordinary, and express our lives through His power. He wants us to reach the ends of the earth, and not us to be concerned about little things that will make us move away from the original design goals for us.

Wake the sleeping our true mission is to be the arrow in the hands of the Lord and reach the Extraordinary God for this generation.
Repent, humble yourself, prostrate himself before the Lord and pour it over your heart.
U.S. Open of your hand, and living the Christ in you.

This is the time, time propagarmos conducive to the good news.
This is the time when the Lord wants to use us as his mouth for this generation.
Stand up, be strong in the Lord.

Look around you, people you see every day, people who pass you by, nations, generations, are going to hell, and you still beating your chest calling itself the SURE CORRECT, EXCEPT the.

• Many will say in that day Lord in thy name done this, that and the other.
• The answer you already know ...

Lift and become stronger, become mouth the Lord for this generation.

This is my prayer for my life, and your life!
May the Lord enable us to day after day, we kill our flesh, we take the Cross of Jesus, and win this generation for the Lord's kingdom.

As you hit the chest finding the best, thousands of souls go to hell without you doing anything!

Wake up!

by Luciano Cruz

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